Producer / Content Creator / Comedian

Hey There, I’m Hayley

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to stay a while.
There's cake in the fridge.

Places I've Worked

Producer Reel

See my recent work over several years, across major networks and shows such as Fox And Friends First, Fox News Channel The Kitchen, Food Network Stone House Revival, Magnolia Network Brut Media, and more!

Who Am I?

Welcome to my website, I'm Hayley Marks! I'm a full-time producer, content creator, comedian and writer!

I wear many hats, from booking guests to producing in the field to developing new shows and series. Some of my credits include 90 Day Fiancé, Stone House Revival, Pawn Stars, and The Kitchen. I have a knack for scouting out talent and the best new forces in media to tell the most astounding stories. I have a passion for booking guests and producing engaging, creative, and fun content across all landscapes.

My Experience

Telling stories and creating experiences for others is my specialty. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Cameras/Hardware: - UI/UXHDHC camera proficiency, DSLR proficiency, iPhone Production
  • Editorial/PR: - AP Style, Press Release writing, MailChimp, Lexus Nexus, Copywriting, deck writing, Canva
  • Software: Final Cut Pro, Microsoft Office, Avid, Adobe Premiere, iNews, Ardome, Audition, ProTools, Filmora 9
  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tweetdeck, Tumblr, WordPress, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, Reddit, Storyhunter
  • Hofstra University B.A. Journalism - 2017

Hayley was a hard-working, diligent, solutions driven booker on the Brut US team. She excelled in her role and was a pleasure to work with. She is very knowledgeable about the media landscape and brought a great upbeat attitude to work on a daily basis!

Beth Kessenich Director of Branded Content, Cheddar News

Hayley has shown hard work, creativity, and perseverance especially as a new member of the team. I know producing a television show during a pandemic is not an easy task and she made it look easy!

Maggie Barnes - Executive producer, The Kitchen

Hayley has that indefatigable upbeat attitude that helps make a long day on set fun and productive. She is fearless in the face of new tasks and responsibilities. Hayley is always ready and excited to step up and go above and beyond. Her ability to learn and build up her skill-set makes her an asset for any show - whether it's a 3-day shoot or a 10-season series.

Chris Heron - Field Producer, Stone House Revival

I have seen Hayley blossom in so many ways. When I first met Hayley, her personality shined through and I immediately knew I was going to hire her. She shows great leadership and listening skills, and is eager to pitch in whenever necessary.

Danielle Dellilo - Director at iHeartMedia

I am so proud of all Hayley has accomplished in her career! She is amazing at outreach, follow-up and is such a go-getter. She was great when she worked for me; I highly recommend!

Danielle Pisano - Casting Director

Hayley developed our early initiatives to incorporate social elements to our growing local paper. She was a joy to work with and to manage. She was receptive to constructive criticism and never made the same mistake twice.

Max Pulcini - Editor in Chief, Spirit Newspapers

My Projects

Award-winning productions, nationally and internationally recognized programs, and developing series.

A Day In The Life

Upcoming Shows

Click on the image to buy tickets

Come see the Shrekira cast perform Shrek: The Musical!
May 28th at 10:30 PM Improv Spectacular
Comedy & Improv

No More Funny Business!

This includes my standup, improv and sketch work, featuring Broadway Comedy Club, The PIT and more haha's

Let's Chat!

Looking forward to collaborating with you!

Call me directly: 609-417-9016
Contact Email: